The worst thing you can feed yourself with is not bad food.
It is your inner dialogue.
Nothing – as in NOTHING – is worse than the bad, negative things you tell yourself!
Today I want to give you a serious task. Count every time you think negatively about yourself.
Your body, your hair, your age, what you said, what you ate, what you didn’t reach, your mess, your bad finances, your missing checkmarks on your to-do list.
Every single time you have such a thought the number in your head rises on your little secret list.
You will be surprised at the negative chitchat you expose yourself to daily.
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge, so take the test now. Just today and understand how unhealthy you are.
Understand that the worst thing you feed yourself with is not bad food – it’s your negative thoughts.
The counting is just to give you a wakeup call.
But today you have to count.
Count all the crap you pour over your inner mental self.
Count and understand how unhealthy you are.
Understand that chips and chocolates are not the most destructive to you – the most destructive to you is you.
With this exercise I will send you out on this day – just for you to learn.
Learn what you do about yourself.
Learn that it’s so important that you understand how to get up.
Take this test today.
Take it.
Become wise to your self-destructive dialogue today – so you can start mental cleansing tomorrow and learn how to create good days for you.
Count, count, count through this day.
Do like 1000s of women! Learn to create your days with me,
FREE and online.