There comes a time when you just know enough is enough.
There will come a time.
There comes a time when it no longer makes sense to do the best you can.
There comes a time when you simply can’t just look through fingers with something.
There comes a time where you do not support dreams of others while your own dreams fade away.
There will come a time – where enough is enough.
Where you no longer want to chase love and hope for attention.
There comes a time when you just know deep inside your inner core that you are worth much more.
There comes a time when you no longer want to fill your eyes with tears because of those unwilling to see what a wonderful woman you are.
There will come a time – where enough is enough.
If you feel you deserve better, you can do better.
Move mentally or physically when you get enough.
Stop convincing others that they are wrong about you.
There comes a time when it becomes so hard not to listen to your own inner voice saying enough is enough.
If you feel you deserve better, you can do better.
If you do what you’ve always done, you just get what you got.
There will come a time
– where enough is enough.
Put yourself somewhere else mentally or physically.
Start the day with this energy.
Create your own days for yourself.
This little undertone of anger is such an amazing driving force to create something amazing for you.
If you feel you deserve better, you can do better.
Start today.
Create this day for you, and you just stand there so inspiring, so strong in the light where everyone can see that if you dare, you can create better when you feel you deserve better.
Start today.
Create something better just there, where you’ve had enough.