Yes, they make mistakes.
Yes, they are annoying.
Yes, they are different.
Those who don’t live their life as you do.
But remember, being capable to find someone else’s mistakes is not the road to more self-love. It is the road to self-righteousness.
Big difference.
The self-righteous person will always be blaming others.
Be a black-and-white thinker.
And operate in either/or.
The self-righteous person does not have mentally surplus.
So if you want to put yourself in a self-loving position, find the way to be curious about others.
The most self-loving you can do is to be curious and become wiser on them. Because then you become wiser on yourself.
The more surplus you can put yourself in – on places where the world is not as you would like it to be.
The more overview you will have.
The more overview, the easier it will be.
The easier it will be, the more depth.
So instead of bitching and complaining – look at:
Where do they come from?
What are their intentions?
Why do they live as they do?
Don’t judge others. This will not set you free – Actually the opposite will happen.
Use your curiosity.
Your loving curiosity.
Look at the different realities and learn from them.
Easy and unaffected.
Let us together create a day full of curiosity.
A day where we can do nothing else than putting ourselves on top and with a loving curios mindset looking at all the wrongs, all the frustrating and all the different around us.
Knowing that this is their reality!
They have theirs.
You have yours.
Right there we become great and very self-loving.
Do like 1000s of women! Learn to create your days with me, FREE and online.