This is really not to offend or insult anyone, since my dream in life is to help as many as possible, but I will say this anyway:
If the you keep saying to yourself: “my life sucks” and you always feel like the world is against you, you are against yourself.
Simple yes, but hang on.
Life will first change the day that you change.
Life treat you exactly as you feel.
Try to work with your mood. Same setup, same situation, same people. But with another feeling.
And I will say this one more time:
Life will change the day that you change yourself.
Life treat you exactly as you feel.
It took a lot of time before I realized myself, that I could change: city, friends, colleagues, style, the couch. And yes even my hair color. Without it is something there will change deeply.
It took a lot of time before I realized that nothing will change if my feeling inside didn’t change. How I did it myself, you can read on my counseling and thoughts on life post by clicking here.
The relationship I have with myself will always affect everything else in my life. The relationship you have with yourself will always affect everything in your life.
Therefore, I learned to “think up”.
Therefore, I learned to kiss all the challenges that I have. Learned to say thank you, because they are reminders to myself that I don’t listen and move mentally.
It doesn’t matter to relocate when you don’t relocate yourself. So fix yourself, fix your mood and think Up. Whatever you do today, try to think Up. Leave the thought of what bothers or frustrates you and search for another place. Go Up and see the problems from there.
It doesn’t matter what others think about you.
It is so essential what you think about yourself.
If you are willing to let them think what they will. Also about you. Then you will be able to keep your thoughts and focus towards who you really are.
It is so important what you think about yourself. When you practice to stay focused, you will experience an inner calmness.
When you practice letting go of their focus on you towards your focus on yourself, you will have freedom.
Is it easy? NO!
But remember, it is worth it all. Practice being in a place, where everyone else’s opinion about you does not get you out of balance. I’m practicing myself. A lot of people have opinions about me. I stay focused no matter what and I want to love my life. It is so delightful to get there, so therefore I want you with me to the same place.
Shouldn’t we start this specific day?
When you are up, you make a day for yourself that you love. You make a day for you, where you put yourself in surplus energy.
Yes, but it is worth it all.
Make a fantastic day for you, no matter who says or think what. And remember, what they say about or think about you is always about themselves.
Life treat you exactly how you feel!