Before you even start working with your Shadows, you need to know that it is some of the most transcendent, but also self-loving you can experience and learn.
Your shadows are aspects of yourself that you can’t be with – but what you don’t want to be with will not let you be – so it results in overeating, criticizing yourself or your partner for blaming and blaming others etc. – all sabotaging behavior towards yourself.
Pushing sides of yourself into shade – no matter how dark or bright these personality traits are – is the opposite of self-love.
After you become acquainted with the shadow work, you will know how to work deeper and more constructive with yourself.
You will through Shadow Work learn to:
Feel a deeper self-knowledge and be able to communicate more constructively, break the cycles of pain in your relationship with yourself or others.
Other great benefits with your Shadows:
- The more conscious you are about what you are hiding, the more the pain loosens its grip and the more targeted your life becomes.
- This will mean that your Shadow will no longer sabotage your conscious intentions.
- For example, if you are struggling with addiction or other impulsive behavior, it can no longer be excused. You know the dynamics of your psyche and know what you are suppressing through your addiction.
What are you not going to be? What are you ashamed of? What do you drown with the pain?
- If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, it is often that there are feelings of anger or sadness that you have shade on. YOU suppress pages you do not want to stand by.
- Shame gives you low self-esteem. Shadows arise from shame. To loosen up the shame by recognizing the shadow will give you self-acceptance and a deep self-respect.
- If you are in a relationship and unable to resolve conflicts, then the shadow work will allow you to find the strength to stand by whoever you are.