Anything that tends to seem problematic gives resistance in your life.
If you know me, you know that I always say:
“Move away from resistance and seek where it is nice to be”.
The better you are at releasing resistance the better at letting go of the following – and the more quality of life you will experience.
Move mentally from…
- Old problems from the past
You cannot change what has already happened. So you might as well choose to look ahead instead of what the past has done to you.
Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.
Life is a beautiful circle.
You are strong because you know your weaknesses.
You are wise because you have been stupid.
You can laugh now because you’ve gone through the grief.
Remember, often when things fall apart, they are actually falling into place.
Just because you are not where you want to be today does not mean you will not end there one day.
- Unwanted fear
Life is about overcoming fear and taking some chances. If you do not take any chances, you will not know what you are capable of.
One of the sentences I use to say to myself is: “If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything!”
It’s not about not being afraid or feeling fear, but what you chose to do when you get that feeling.
Work with your mind and keep it focused on goodness. For what begins in your mind, ends in your life.
Think all the time about the way you want to be, and let these thoughts become your actions and your reality will capture your thoughts over time.
- Judgement of others
It’s okay to listen to others, but not at the expense of your own intuition.
When you spend too much time concentrating on how others perceive you, you eventually forget who you are.
Try to let go of the judgment of others, you know deep down in your heart, who you are and what is right for you.
Let the world be inspired by who YOU truly are.
- Every day’s small frustrations
A bad day is just a bad day. It comes and goes. Let life go on and let go.
Behind every beautiful day, there has been some kind of struggle. Drop anything that doesn’t do you any good and pull your mood down.
You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live, you learn. You are human, not perfect.
You’ve been hurt, but you’re still alive. Think about the precious privilege of being alive today.
Sometimes there is sadness in your journey, but there is also plenty of beauty. You have to put one foot in front of the other, even when it hurts, because you’ll never know what’s waiting for you just around the corner.
Try to follow this daily to-do list:
- Think positively
- Eat healthy
- Practice today
- Worry less
- Work purposefully
- Laugh often
- Sleep well
Repeat ….